Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The outcomes of the workshop will serve as input into the multi-stakeholder dialogue scheduled for 29 October in Abuja on the eve of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee Summit. It is envisaged that once such a strategy has been finalised, strategic programmes and projects will be developed for implementation at all levels.
The ACBF is willing to take a leadership role in resourcing the implementation of the programmes, supported by an advocacy campaign by NEPAD structures. As part of the specific objectives of the workshop, discussions will also centre on :
A review of existing mechanisms for coordinating capacity and institutional development initiatives at the national level and the development of national capacity building strategies in support of a country’s medium and long-term development strategies ;
Developing an action plan for strengthening key economic and administrative governance functions to guide planning and implementation of national and regional development programmes ;
Developing an action plan for strengthening the capacity of RECs and key national structures responsible for implementation of regional integration priority projects and programmes ;
Assessing the roles and contributions of major institutions involved in capacity building and reviewing opportunities for enhanced collaboration among those institutions for accelerating and deepening the effectiveness of capacity and institutional development initiatives.
Inadequate capacity, at all levels, to plan, develop, and implement projects has been identified as one of the key obstacles to the successful implementation of NEPAD and significant efforts have been put into building the capacity of Regional Economic Communities.
Even though these efforts are beginning to bear fruit, there is now a recognition that the issue of capacity building has to be approached in a holistic manner to include national, regional, and continental governance structures, as well as institutions and stakeholders that play a critical role in development. Confining capacity building to RECs alone will not deliver the desired results for full implementation of NEPAD programmes.
There is therefore a need for the development of a comprehensive capacity building strategy for Africa that will be implemented in an integrated manner, with horizontal and vertical scope.
NEPAD multi-stakeholder dialogue
In commemoration of the fifth anniversary of NEPAD and in line with continuing to look at better ways in which to accelerate NEPAD implementation, the NEPAD Secretariat will be hosting a one day multi-stakeholder dialogue in Abuja, Nigeria, on 29 October on the eve of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee (HSGIC) Summit.
The objective of the NEPAD multi-stakeholder dialogue - which will take input from the capacity building workshop — will be to review, debate and explore mechanisms for the accelerated implementation of NEPAD.
It will also permit NEPAD stakeholders collectively to assess the level of implementation and success of the NEPAD programme to date. The dialogue will also look into commitments made by various stakeholders and partners and their implementation.
The key outcomes of the dialogue are anticipated to be :
Frank and forward looking report on NEPAD
Assessment of capacity constraints of the continent
Stakeholder view on NEPAD in the next few years and the role of the Heads of State and Government in its implementation.
Source : nepad news - 15 septembre 2006