Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
In the agreement, SDC provides US $1,428,000 in a three-year grant.
The ceremony on 13 October 2006 was hosted by Mr. Viktor Christen, Swiss Ambassador to South Africa, and was attended by the SDC Country Director, Annamarie Minder and other officials from the Swiss Embassy, NEPAD and DBSA.
Said Viktor Christen : “The Swiss Government is continuing to support the NEPAD e-Africa Commission because it values the work done by NEPAD, especially in the areas of ICT development. We are looking forward, using this grant, to successful implementation of projects for the benefit of the people of Africa”.
Said Dr Henry Chasia, Executive Deputy Chairperson of the e-Africa Commission : “The support will enable the commission to grow, play its coordinating role, and meet operational costs and capacity building initiatives, among others. We thank the SDC for their unreserved support to the commission’s effort to impart ICT skills and bridge the digital divide of the people of Africa”.
The NEPAD e-Africa Commission was set up to manage the structured development of the ICT sector on the African continent, by developing policies and broad ICT strategies and by initiating projects.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is the international development agency within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation.
The Swiss Agency has provided the NEPAD e-Africa Commission’s start-up support since 2004 that enabled the commission to recruit staff and develop the institution.
Source : nepad news - 20 octobre 2006