Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The report was produced by Rwanda’s APRM National Commission, for submission to the 6th APR Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 28 January 2007.
Various Government and non-governmental agencies were active in implementing the Programme of Action. In addition, the NEPAD Rwanda Secretariat followed its mandate to popularise and coordinate APRM in the country by :
Dissemination of the findings of the Country Review Report to key stakeholders through various forums ;
Multiplication of the APRM Country Review Report ;
Launching the Country Review Report to the general public and the press ;
Sharing Rwanda’s experience with some West and Central African countries ;
Setting up a monitoring and evaluation mechanism.
Highlights of the implementation progress include : Democracy and good political governance
Commissions have been set up to ensure cross-border peace and security while administrative reforms for effective and efficient service delivery were reinforced.
Economic governance
Achievements include an inter-bank SASWITCH system, a national database and information system, Central Bank regulations on micro finance institutions, a household living conditions survey and, more importantly, a second generation poverty reduction strategy.
Corporate governance
In the last six months, all efforts have focused on streamlining the legislative and regulatory framework for enhancing the business environment in Rwanda. Several laws have been prepared and, when enacted, will markedly improve the general legal business environment required to fast-track business development in the country.
Socio –economic development
Rwanda’s collaboration with her development partners has created a synergy in assessing and developing common interventions for economic development and poverty reduction (EDPRS). Meanwhile, a household living conditions survey has been completed, and results show an impressive drop in poverty levels from 60.4% in 2001 to 56.9% in 2005. Nationwide, 64% of households now have access to safe drinking water.
Enrolment in primary schools has increased over the 2001-2006 period with the net enrolment rate rising from 74 to 86 percent.
Access to antenatal services increased substantially and about 47 percent of individuals nationwide are now covered by health insurance. Source : NEPAD News, February 9, 2007