Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The NEPAD Secretariat overall program in 2006, he said, aimed to accelerate the implementation of projects, to develop the capacities of Regional Economic Communities to tackle agriculture, food security and nutrition, to develop human resources, infrastructure, science and technology, and to promote good practices to preserve the environment, and sustainable social and economic growth.
These activities were all part of the three-year strategic plan of NEPAD (2004-2007) approved by the Heads of State and Government.
Professor Mucavele said that in the infrastructure implementation programme 11 projects are receiving support, totalling about US$ 750 million.
The NEPAD Secretariat is working with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency for the establishment of one-stop border posts in the East Africa Community (EAC).
A number of road transport corridor programmes have been financed and are currently being implemented, such as : EAC road network programme : Mombassa-Nairobi-Addis Corridor ($53 million)
Ghana-Togo : Akatsi-Aflao section
Benin-Togo : Djougou-N”dali road improvement
Mali-Burkina Faso-Ghana : Akatsi-Dodze-Noepe road
Bamako-Dakar : Southern Corridor Road Development and Transport Facilitation Program ($94.42 million)
Abidjan-Lagos Transport Corridor ($16 million)
Agriculture, food security and fish Professor Mucavele said the NEPAD Secretariat continued to cooperate with the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to :
Promote NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Programme (CAADP) to attain food security in terms of both availability and affordability and ensuring access of the poor to adequate food and nutrition ;
Improve the productivity of agriculture to attain an average annual growth rate of 6 percent, with particular attention to small-scale farmers, especially focusing on women ;
Have dynamic agricultural markets between nations and regions ; Integrate farmers into the market economy, including better access to markets, with Africa becoming a net exporter of agricultural products ;
To date 30 countries and four Regional Economic Communities have developed country and regional fertilizer strategies and this number continues to grow. Many countries are integrating their fertilizer strategies into their overall agricultural sector development programs.
NEPAD now has a coordinator for its agricultural input markets development program who is working closely with the African Union Commission on the implementation of the national and regional fertilizer strategies that were developed for the Fertilizer Summit.
To accelerate implementation of the Fisheries Action Plan, NEPAD in partnership with the African Union Commission, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the World Fish Centre has launched NEPAD FISH, a regional programme for investment in research and capacity building aimed at increasing investment in aquaculture by private industry, the public sector and civil society towards sustainable development of the sector.
NEPAD has invested much energy in building the African and global initiatives around addressing the human resources for the continent’s health crisis.
The Global Health Workforce Alliance was formally launched in May 2006 and will provide direct funding to countries to accelerate their country work on Human Resources for Health.
Capacity building strategy for Africa The process of supporting the development of African centres of excellence and networking is continually bearing fruit. This includes work with the African Council on Sustainable Health and Development (ACOSHED), the Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED) and the Social Aspects of HIV and AIDS Research Alliance (SAHARA). NEPAD also contributed to the SADC’s plans for Human Resources for Health.
As part of developing capacity for the speedy implementation of NEPAD, and in addition to the capacity building of Regional Economic Communities (RECs), the NEPAD Secretariat is working on a capacity development strategy for Africa. This project has the support and collaboration of the Africa Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), the Southern Africa Trust (SAT), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), and Dimension Data.
The purpose of the strategy is to harmonise and synchronise all capacity development initiatives on the continent to ensure that they are aligned to the development objectives of the continent.
The strategy is being developed with the guidance of the Conference of Pan-African Ministers for Public Service and Administration.
Professor Mucavele said progress is being made in the integration of NEPAD into national development plans. Following the national workshop held in the Republic of Congo in May, the NEPAD Secretariat has secured resources for the Flemish Government and the Southern Africa Trust (SAT) to undertake national workshops aimed at integrating NEPAD into national development plans on a regional scale, starting with the SADC region.
This programme will be rolled out during the first months of 2007 Source : NEPAD News, February 23, 2007