Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
In spite of the many NEPAD success stories to date, NEPAD is still not fully known or understood. This misunderstanding has often led to confusion regarding the role that stakeholders are expected to play in its implementation.
In order to address this challenge, and to develop a unified approach to communicating NEPAD, as well as develop a clear NEPAD brand for ease of communication, the NEPAD Secretariat convened a communications workshop in Accra, Ghana, on 12-14 April 2007.
The workshop was attended by representatives of government, intergovernmental agencies, and youth, the private sector, civil society organisations, and development partners.
In terms of outcomes, the workshop participants resolved to work on existing opportunities to change negative perceptions and images about Africa by building on existing expertise and networks and by co-ordinating current communication efforts to collectively promote a common vision for Africa.
The workshop noted that while Africa has many untold success stories, the time has come to promote the continent using sports, arts and culture in an effort to reach out to all generations, with the FIFA 2010 World Cup presenting huge opportunities.
The workshop further agreed on the need to reinforce ownership of NEPAD, secure buy-in and inculcate a sense of belonging by celebrating Africa’s regeneration and promoting Pan Africanism during the week of 25 May which is Africa Day.
Affirming NEPAD as the foremost movement for socio-economic renewal in Africa, the participants outlined strategies to address major challenges that hamper effective communication in Africa.
These strategies include :
Creation of a NEPAD brand that is all inclusive ;
Mobilisation of different stakeholders to effectively participate in and own NEPAD ;
Utilisation of existing and new structures and networks to effectively communicate the NEPAD message ;
Development of an accessible and affordable communication infrastructure.
To accelerate progress in finalising the integrated communications strategy, a second meeting of experts will be held on 3-4 May, 2007 in Ghana. Source : NEPAD News, april 20. 2007