Tout sur le sommet du G8 en France
Deauville, la ville hôte
Les pays participants
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Les anciens sommets du G8
Tout sur le sommet du G20
Cannes, la ville hôte
Les pays participants
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Le précédent sommet du G20 à Toronto
5è sommet du G8 du Canada depuis son adhésion, en 1976.
Sommet du G8 de 2010 à Muskoka
G8 et G20 au Canada en 2010
Sommet du G8 à Évian (France), 1er - 3 juin 2003
Sommet du G8 à Kananaskis - 25-27 Juin 2002, Canada
Sommets & Congrès
Les pays membres du G20
Documents officiels du sommet
A la découverte de Toronto : Hôtels, Aéroport, Transport, Palais des congrès, etc.
Nanotechnology is leaving the laboratories and conquering new markets. It helps to improve products and production processes with better characteristics or new functionalities. In the coming years, products based on nanotechnology will impact nearly all industrial sectors and enter consumer markets in large quantities.
The EuroNanoForum 2007 will be the most important European congress for the transfer of nanotechnology from research into industrial production processes, products and applications. It brings together excellent scientists with leading researchers and managers from industry.
The EuroNanoForum 2007 will be held at the Congress Center Düsseldorf from June 19 to 21, 2007 and will be organised on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and promoted by the European Commission.
The excellent conference programme with international top speakers will present the state-of-the-art nanotechnology for industrial applications and open up new perspectives in Europe for the coming years. The conference will be accompanied by a special industrial exhibition presenting European key players in nanotechnology.
One of the highlights of the conference will be the Reception of the German EU-Presidency, taking place during a Rhine-cruise on the new super-catamaran ’MS RheinEnergie’. All registered participants are invited to this event featuring a buffet dinner and live music.
Please note : There is no registration deadline. Registration at the conference will be possible, but online registration via this website is preferred.
Source : Düsseldorf - EuroNanoForum 2007