Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The South African Department of Foreign Affairs, the Department of Trade and Industry, the NEPAD Secretariat and the NEPAD Business Foundation are hosting a NEPAD Projects Conference in Sandton, outside Johannesburg on 8-9 October 2007, under the title “Strengthening Partnerships for Implementation”. The aim is to make the appropriate linkages between government, national development strategies and business sector engagement with the NEPAD process.
Three national consultative workshops on the implementation of NEPAD have been held in South Africa since 2005. While the first event in 2005 was limited to government participation, the second event in 2006 was open to all three tiers of government, business, civil society and labour. The third event at the end of 2006 was aimed at further government consultations with civil society.
In order to take the NEPAD process further, the NEPAD Projects Conference — the fourth in the series of meetings — will be for the South African Government to undertake an evaluation on how NEPAD implementation is being dealt with in accordance with the NEPAD priority sectors. This will be coupled with an analysis to be undertaken by the business sector regarding current and proposed initiatives aimed at NEPAD implementation.
A key role player in the Projects Conference is the NEPAD Business Foundation (NBF). The NBF aims to facilitate and promote enterprise to conduct sustainable and profitable business on the African continent, while at the same time encouraging the competitiveness of Africa in the global context.
The organisation’s intention is to establish a platform for business to understand the principles of NEPAD and to effectively engage in NEPAD initiatives from a private sector perspective.
The NEPAD Projects Conference will have approximately 250 invitees from government, business, civil society, key continental financial institutions and the NEPAD Secretariat.
The discussions will entail government interventions coupled with business sector views and case studies on NEPAD implementation.
Breakaway sessions, based on the NEPAD priority areas, will discuss potential areas or projects of joint intervention. Source : NEPAD, 21 septembre 2007