Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
14-18 April, Africa power and electricity congress and exhibition, Sandton, South Africa.
15-18 April, United Nations Energy/Africa meeting and International renewable energy conference, Dakar, Senegal.
27-30 April, 5th annual conference of the African Forum for Utility Regulators, Accra, Ghana. Source : NEPAD, april 11, 2008
The highest levels of government will be involved at a NEPAD e-Schools stakeholders conference being held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 15-18 April 2008, at which the participants will discuss progress on implementation of the NEPAD e-Schools, particularly the business plan.
Invitations to the conference have been extended to Permanent Secretaries/Directors General of the Ministries of Education as well as the Ministries responsible for ICT, members of the continental coordinating body and country liaison persons of the e-Schools.
Representatives have also been invited from the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Union, the World Bank InfoDev, private ICT companies and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs).
The e-Schools Initiative was adopted as a high priority NEPAD ICT project by the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee in March 2003.
The overall aim is to harness ICT technology for the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning in African primary and secondary schools, so that young Africans graduate from these schools with ICT skills that will enable them to participate as equals in the global information society and knowledge economy.
The NEPAD e-Africa Commission is spearheading the implementation of the Initiative, which has the following components running in parallel :
the NEPAD e-Schools Demonstration Project ; the NEPAD e-Schools satellite network ; the establishment of the national implementing agencies ; the development of teacher training, content and curriculum ; the NEPAD e-Schools business plan. These activities will converge on a large-scale rollout. Implementation will be carried out at national level with coordination taking place at the continental level.
The e-Africa Commission has been planning and implementing the various components of the NEPAD e-Schools over the past four years.
Significant progress has been made in the implementation of the Demo Project. Equipment has been installed, teachers have been trained and pupils have been exposed to the wonders of new technology in more than 80 community schools in Africa.
For several thousand individuals in these communities a seed has been planted in them whose effects are irreversible. The final school launches in the Demo Project are now being completed.
The business plan provides the link between the Demo and the roll out. The main objective of the business plan is to develop a planning framework that will outline the input, process and resource mobilisation for a massive roll-out of the NEPAD e-Schools Initiative.
Consulting firm Ernst & Young was contracted to develop a draft business plan in consultation with experts appointed by the governments of the participating countries, Regional Economic Communities, the African Development Bank, the lead consortium companies and civil society organisations. Source : NEPAD, april 11, 2008