Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The priorities identified for action include :
Capacity building Policy formulation Monitoring and evaluation
They call for :
The institutionalisation of the tri-sector model (which includes public, private sectors and civil societies) utilising pro-poor public private partnership.
Support for the coordination of CSO, private sector and key stakeholder activities.
The utilising of the skills of CSO’s, the African private sector and key stakeholders in capacity building.
They recommend the following action :
Civil Society organisations, the African private sector and key stakeholders call on African countries to focus on organic as well as inorganic fertilizers including the need to study the soil in order to assess the type of fertilizer required, good soil and land management as well as environmental sustainability.
The gender, youth and civil society unit within the NEPAD Secretariat should be replicated in every country and at all levels of government. African governments should ensure that special policies and programmes are put in place to effectively address the women, youth and the poor in terms of agricultural inputs, subsidies, extension services, access to land and credit facilities.
In addition to these two key priorities, they recommend that the government and private sector put in place mechanisms for the preservation of agricultural products and securing markets.
In the same spirit of partnership promoted by NEPAD, Civil Society organisations, the African private sector and key stakeholders call for the creation and strengthening of the stakeholder monitoring and evaluation systems. They also reiterate the call for good governance, transparency and accountability in the management of common resources as well as conflict transformation to create an enabling environment for enhanced agricultural productivity and food self sufficiency.
Source : NEPAD News - 15 June 2006