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Articles publiés dans cette rubrique
dimanche 8 février 2009
par adi
Term of Service (TOS) Term of Service (TOS)
The use of services from [hereafter referred to as "AHIBO"] constitutes agreement to these terms. You may view our Privacy Policy here.
1.) Account Setup / Email on file We will setup your account after we have received payment. It is your responsibility to provide us with an email address which is not @ the domain(s) you are signing up under. If there is ever an abuse issue or we need to contact you, the primary email address on file will be used for this purpose. It is your responsibility to ensure the email address on file is current or up to (...)

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dimanche 8 février 2009
par adi
Privacy Policy
"AHIBO" Privacy Policy
Introduction We are committed to protecting any data that we collect concerning you. By using our services you agree to the use of the data that we collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
We are committed to protecting your privacy We collect the minimum amount of information about you that is commensurate with providing you with a satisfactory service. This Policy indicates the type of processes that may result in data being collected about you. Your use of this website gives us the right to collect that information.
Information Collected We (...)

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dimanche 8 février 2009
par adi
Sample Copyright Complaint Steps
"AHIBO" Sample Copyright Complaint Steps
AHIBO requires DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) notices to be filed via fax or letter. The complaint must include full contact information in the complaint (including phone number). We will call and verify. Email (unless digitally signed by a verified and trusted third party) is not an acceptable medium for legal complaints. We received what appears to be a possible DMCA complaint, but one or more of the following are missing : (a) the complaint does not contain sufficient information (b) the format of the complaint is inconsistent with the (...)

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dimanche 8 février 2009
par adi
Mailing Policy and Limits
"AHIBO" Mailing Policy and Limits
There is a 500 hourly email limit per domain this limit is also applied towards mailman. If you send over this amount in any hour most of the e-mails will bounce back with a undeliverable error.
Many of our servers have a 60 pop checks per hour limit per e-mail address. If you go over this you’re likely to get a wrong password error message saying login incorrect. Just wait an hour and it will automatically unlock you. to prevent this from happening again make sure to disable auto checking or at least set it to something higher such as 10 minutes. (...)

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samedi 7 février 2009
par adi
To cancel your account
Please click and print form
To be sent by email -
By mail - Postal address : ahibo : 167, Langlois Street, - Gatineau (Québec, Cnada) J8P 7Y8
Ahibo - Cancellation Form
Please do not assume that your account is canceled until you have received a confirmation stating that we have canceled your account.

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