Politique, en Côte d’Ivoire : Fernand Ahibo, 19 ans de protocole et quelques années, proche collaborateur du président Houphouët-Boigny, témoigne de la glorieuse épopée de la Côte d’Ivoire et répond à l’ancien directeur du Protocole d’État. La Côte d’Ivoire n’est plus la même mais nous l’aimons quand même.
Ses années Nanan Houphouët
Son vibrant appel à ses sœurs et frères Ivoiriens
Georges Ouégnin à la Une des médias :
Yes We Can
"I Got a Crush...On Obama" By Obama Girl
Barack Obama on Ellen
The Audacity of Hope
Spanish Reggaeton
Yes Yes, We Can !
Obama Girl vs Giuliani Girl
One Voice
Hillary Clinton
Le Président Olusegun Obasanjo confirme son départ de la Présidence en 2007
Le Président Gabonais Bongo Ondimba éteint ses 71 bougies (30 décembre 1935 - 30 décembre 2007. Joyeux anniversaire, Monsieur le Président.
Obama Campaign Announces Trip to Europe and the Middle East
CHICAGO, IL- The Obama campaign announced today that Senator Obama will be traveling overseas to assess the situation in countries that are critical to American national security, and to consult with close friends and allies. Senator Obama will visit France, Germany, Israel, Jordan and the United Kingdom where he will consult with the leaders of those nations about common challenges like terrorism, nuclear proliferation and climate change. by Sam Graham-FelsenSaturday, June 28, 2008
This trip will be an important opportunity for me to assess the situation in countries that are critical to American national security, and to consult with some of our closest friends and allies about the common challenges we face.
Israel is a strong and close friend of the United States, and is confronting grave threats from Gaza to Tehran. Jordan has been a close partner in the peace process and a host of other issues of common concern. France, Germany, and the United Kingdom are key anchors of the transatlantic alliance and have contributed to the mission in Afghanistan, and I look forward to discussing how we can strengthen our partnership in the years to come. This will be an important opportunity to have an exchange of views with leaders in these countries about these and other issues that are critical to American national security — and global security — in the 21st century.