Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The Commission for Social Development concluded its forty-eighth session today by approving a draft resolution on the social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).
By the terms of that text, introduced as orally revised by the representative of Yemen, the Commission would have the Economic and Social Council encourage African countries to step up efforts to implement NEPAD by developing and strengthening governance institutions in order to create an environment conducive to foreign direct investment for the region’s development.
Further by the text, the Council would urge those States that had not done so to join and strengthen the African Peer Review Mechanism, as well as urge continuous support for poverty eradication and sustainable development measures in Africa, with a particular emphasis on the Millennium Development Goals. Furthermore, the Council would ask the Secretary-General to submit a report on the social dimensions of NEPAD , to be tabled in collaboration with the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa, during the Commission’s forty-ninth session. Also during the meeting, Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, hailed the Commission on its first ever approval of a text on social integration and on showing the will and commitment to tackle daunting remaining challenges to the achievement of such broad social development goals as social integration, poverty eradication, and full employment and decent work for all, as set forth in the Copenhagen Declaration of the World Social Summit.
In other business, the Commission adopted the report of its forty-eighth session and the provisional agenda and documentation for its forty-ninth session. It then adjourned the forty-eighth and opened the forty-ninth.
The Committee then elected by acclamation Jorge Valero (Venezuela) as its new Chairperson. Andi Xhoi (Albania) ; Katja Wiesbrock Donovan (Germany), Jimmy Blas (Philippines) and Najla Abdelrahman (Sudan) were elected Vice Chairs.
Source : United Nations, New York, 22 February 2010
The African Union’s (AU) NEPAD Planning and Co-ordinating Agency (NPCA) has today kick-started ‘The Best of Africa 2010 - 2015’ project which is aimed at attracting investments into Africa. ‘The Best of Africa 2010’ project is focused on showcasing Africa as a business and investment destination. It is an inward investment, trade promotion and capacity building legacy project that is running from 2010 - 2015.
Speaking at a press conference held earlier on today at the Sandton Sun in Johannesburg, Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NPCA, revealed that that project is looking to take advantage of the presence of the international and African business representatives that will be in South Africa for the World Cup. The idea is to get these representatives to engage each other on increased investments, growth and development for Africa.
“We are coordinating this project in collaboration with PR Africa International and we are doing this as part of an attempt to speed-up the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) whilst also marketing the continent to the rest of the world,” said Dr. Mayaki. The project is designed to showcase Africa by leveraging 3 broad platforms of engagement which include a business conference, an exhibition and a cultural festival. Participants will include the AU member states, civil society and the business community.
According to Mr. Adedapo Adelegan, the Executive Chairman of PR Africa International, “in the long term ‘The Best of Africa’ conference and exhibition will be sustained as a global road show showcasing Africa in terms of its people, products and potentials – that is ‘Africa Under One Roof’”.
‘The Best of Africa’ initiative will take place at the Gallagher Convention Centre during the first week of the World Cup (13 – 18 June 2010). After 2010 roadshows on the project will also be held in China (2011), United Kingdom (2012 at the Olympics), US (2013), Brazil (2014) and Asia (2015).
As an initiative, this project draws on the declaration of the 8th Assembly of the African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government through which the AU reaffirmed its commitment to make the 2010 World Cup a truly African tournament, committing its countries to full and substantive involvement in the preparations leading to the 2010 World Cup.
The initiative is also informed by the African Legacy Programme which is bent on ensuring that the 2010 FIFA World Cup is not only positioned as an African event, but also as an event that will have a substantial and enduring legacy on the continent.
About NEPAD NEPAD works closely with the African Union Commission (AUC), regional economic communities, national governments, research institutions and civil society organisations in its attempts to eradicate poverty in Africa whilst also voicing Africa´s concerns at the global level. In line with integration of NEPAD into the structures and processes of the AU - the 14th AU Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in January/February 2010 strengthened the NEPAD programme by transforming the NEPAD Secretariat into the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA). The Agency is responsible for facilitating and coordinating the implementation of continental and regional NEPAD priority programmes and projects. The NPCA will carry on being housed in Midrand, South Africa.
Midrand, 11th March 2010