Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
18 September, NEPAD Bending the Arc event, New York, USA.
20-22 September, Monitoring and evaluation workshop on "Informing the NEPAD e-Schools Initiative : Lessons from the Coalface", Johannesburg, South Africa.
27-28 September, NEPAD mutual review working session, Johannesburg, South Africa.
9-13 October, Expert working group meeting on the NEPAD - e-Schools business plan, Johannesburg, South Africa.
23-24 October, NEPAD capacity building workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa.
23-24 October, Achieving best value in human resource and skills management using ICT, Johannesburg, South Africa. For details visit
29 October, NEPAD multi-stakeholder dialogue, Abuja, Nigeria.
30-31 October, NEPAD Heads of State and Government Summit, Abuja, Nigeria.
November, Africa regional nutrition strategy meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (date to be finalised).
4-7 December, NEPAD Food Security Summit, Abuja, Nigeria.
January, AU Summit 2007 : Scientific Research and Technology for Africa’s Socio-Economic Transformation.
African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology (AMCOST)
18-20 September, Inter-governmental Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, Maputo, Mozambique.
15-16 October, Inter-ministerial dialogue on building an African network of Centres of Excellence in Water Sciences and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria.
27-30 October, Congress of African scientists and policy-makers to develop specific recommendations for AU Summit 2007, Alexandria, Egypt.
20-23 November, Extraordinary conference of AMCOST, Egypt.
Calendar of major water events
15-16 October, Inter-ministerial dialogue on building an African network of centres of excellence in water sciences and technology, Abuja, Nigeria.
19-20 October, Conference of river basin and lake organisations, Kampala, Uganda.
October, AMCOW General Council meeting, Brazzaville, Congo (date to be finalised).
27-30 November, Pan Africa Water 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Source : nepad news - 15 septembre 2006