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Obama for America
1. The first bill President Obama signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, making progress in a decades-long struggle for equal pay. When asked for his position, Romney has repeatedly refused to say whether he would have signed it into law.
2. Nearly 75 million women had received tax cuts under President Obama, who has put an average of $3,600 back in the pockets of the typical working family.
3. The President has repeatedly fought back against Republican attempts to defund Planned Parenthood, one of the largest providers of women’s health services in the country. Mitt Romney has promised to "get rid of" Planned Parenthood funding.
4. Mitt Romney would overturn Roe v. Wade and even said he’d be "delighted" to sign a bill eliminating a woman’s right to choose.
5. President Obama has stood up for a woman’s right to make her own health decisions — while Mitt Romney and the Republican Party would let employers and politicians limit her access to birth control coverage.
6. As the son of a single mother and the father of two daughters, President Obama understands that women aren’t a special-interest group — and that when women make less than men for the same work, it hurts the whole family.
7. The Affordable Care Act puts an end to insurance company abuses, including charging women more than men for the same coverage. Mitt Romney says he would repeal the law on "Day One."
8. The President cut taxes 18 times for women-owned small businesses across the country.
9. President Obama has tripled the number of women on the Supreme Court — for the first time in history, three women sit on the nation’s highest court.
10. Under President Obama, our economy has added back 5.4 million private sector jobs in 32 consecutive months of growth — and he has a plan to keep adding jobs and strengthen the middle class.
11. The President believes we’re at our best when everyone has a fair shot and a chance to get ahead. Mitt Romney’s message to those struggling to get ahead ? "You’re on your own."
12. President Obama reversed the global gag rule, ending the ban on government aid for international groups that provide abortion information.
13. The Republican Party platform, which was written at the direction of the Romney campaign, includes a human life amendment that could ban abortion nationwide, without exceptions for victims of rape or incest.
14. The Affordable Care Act covers women’s preventive care — including mammograms, cancer screenings, and birth control — with no co-pays or deductibles.
15. President Obama created the White House Council on Women and Girls to support fair treatment in all matters of public policy.
16. The Obama administration has invested in educational and career opportunities for women and girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) — he would recruit 100,000 math and science teachers as part of his plan to create jobs and support the middle class.
17. The President supports the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would give women additional tools to help fight pay discrimination, but Romney refuses to reveal his position.
18. President Obama is working to make college more affordable. That’s why he doubled funding for Pell Grants and established the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which helped 9.4 million students and their families afford higher education in 2011. Mitt Romney would let the tax credit expire and slash funding for Pell Grants.
19. President Obama is working to preserve and protect the secure retirement that seniors have earned — while Mitt Romney would turn Medicare into a voucher system ending guaranteed benefits.
20. Thanks to Obamacare, millions of young women have the security of knowing they can stay on their parents’ health plan until age 26.
21. President Obama launched a broad effort to protect victims of domestic violence and reduce violence against women, including increased funding to enforce the Violence Against Women Act.
Source : Barack Obama.com
The title from ADI-DIN