Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The first report — a “Mutual review of development effectiveness” — was submitted to the Africa Partnership Forum in Abuja in April 2005, the OECD Development Assistance Committee high-level meeting in April 2005 and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) conference of ministers of finance, development and planning in May 2005.
The report was finalised after the Gleneagles and Millennium Summit in October 2005.
In preparation for the mutual review report of 2007, the Secretariats of NEPAD, ECA and OECD met jointly on 17 July 2006 to develop a roadmap for the process.
The meeting agreed on the nature of the mutual review as well as its comprehensiveness and multi-dimensional character. Thus, the mutual review is seen not only as a monitoring exercise but also as a process which promotes performance and accountability in both African and OECD efforts to achieve and support African goals and objectives.
Brainstorming by a wide range of partners
The meeting proposed that the 2007 performance review engage a wider spectrum of partners in order to ensure the broadest possible information base and to capture and channel the efforts and energies of the full range of African and international actors.
It was decided that an initial meeting of the wider range of partners be held on 28-29 September 2006 at the NEPAD Secretariat Headquarters in Midrand, South Africa, for a brainstorming to create a common understanding of the mutual review process, its content, objectives and modalities, taking into account the linkage with the African Partnership Forum process.
The meeting, coordinated and chaired by the NEPAD Secretariat, attracted a broad range of participants. Most of the invited continental and international institutions were represented (Economic Commission for Africa, OECD, NEPAD Secretariat, African Capacity Building Foundation, World Bank, APF Support Unit, IMF, GTZ, Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Norway, Germany and South Africa, ECOWAS, GTZ, African Monitor).
The meeting focused its debates on the understanding of the mutual review, its value-added, content, modalities and objectives. The wide exchange of views about these issues allowed a general consensus to be reached.
The following potential issues were considered :
Keeping track of commitments and delivery Aid and development cooperation modalities (what should be done differently) Timeliness and speed of development interventions Is the focus on the things that have most impact on the grassroots ? Good and replicable processes Avoidable bad practices Empowerment and support to grassroots for ownership of the development process.
Key features :
Continuous identification of challenges/issues as well as ways to address the challenges and build on progress. Make concrete recommendations either for policy change, or change in approach. Adopt a communication-for-change strategy in order to effect the desired attitudinal, policy and implementation changes.
Source : nepad news - October 06, 2006