Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The stakeholders met at a one-day workshop held on 30 November 2006, presided over by John Rwangombwa, Secretary-General in the Ministry of Finance and Economic planning.
The workshop was organised by the NEPAD Secretariat in collaboration with the Rwanda offices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Department for International Development (DFID), and was attended by the UNDP Resident Representative in Rwanda, Moustapha Soumaré, senior government officials, development partners, NEPAD staff and representatives from the private sector and civil society.
In his opening remarks, John Rwangombwa said the timing of the workshop was opportune since the Government is endeavouring to mainstream NEPAD objectives and the APRM program of action into its Economic Development for Poverty Alleviation Strategy (EDPRS).
“The timing of these two instruments is most opportune as we strive to entrench NEPAD objectives and APRM good governance principles in our national planning process through the EDPRS”, he said.
The reports were presented at the workshop by Simon Karenzi and Prof. Gregorie Namusonge, consultants hired by the UNDP to elaborate the two frameworks.
Moustapha Soumaré said the workshop was a continuation of the development partners’ meeting with the government on 22-23 November 2006 and he reaffirmed UNPD support for the implementation of the APRM program of action.
“For me I see this workshop as a good continuation of the development partners’ meeting. During that meeting the Government of Rwanda presented the outcome of its recent assessment of NEPAD’s African Peer Review Mechanism and we as development partners commended the Government for the work which has been done. At the same time we reiterated our support of this process and I want to echo that again”, he said.
The inputs from the participants at the workshop will be integrated in the consultants’ reports, which will then be validated and adopted.
Source : nepad news - december 8th, 2006