Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
Organised jointly by NEPAD, the German Technical Co-operation Organisation (GTZ) and Deutsche Welle, the objective of the workshop, was to give high-level journalists the teaching aids necessary for mastering training techniques.
The training workshop was a follow-up to workshops organised in the other sub-regions of the continent.
The aim is to set up a network of African trainers capable of meeting the enormous training needs on the continent, and thus eventually creating the conditions for better implementation of NEPAD.
The opening ceremony in Brazzaville was attended by the Director of the Office of the Congolese Minister for Planning, for Town and Country Planning, Economic Integration and NEPAD, Jean Christophe Okandza, and Mavinga Bata, chairperson of the NEPAD Steering Committee.
Referring to the choice of Brazzaville for hosting the workshop, Mr. Okandza said the fact that President Denis Sassou-Nguesso is chairman of the African Union this year meant that the Congo should be at the centre of initiatives directed at the integration and development of the continent. The seminar, spread over 12 days, provided training courses for the different newspapers, alternating with theoretical classes supported by practical exercises.
Source : nepad news, february 2, 2007