Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The aim of the competition, launched at the end of an information and awareness afternoon at the Blaise Senghor cultural centre for learners, is to arouse the interest of young people in environment issues.
According to an introductory document given to the press, shortlisted articles will be presented at the third International Festival of High School Newspapers to be held on 21-22 March at the Douta Seck Cultural Centre. Prizes will be awarded to the three best contributions.
The executive secretary of the interim secretariat, David Njiki, asked the many learners who came to listen to a talk he gave on NEPAD “to appropriate the project as they are the elite on which Africa must count in future”.
He explained to the children the risks attached to the destruction of the environment and urged the learners to spread the message in their family circles.
Amadou Guèye, representing the NEPAD and Good Governance Minister, presented CD’s to the high-school representatives “to popularise NEPAD projects”.
The event was the third celebration of Africa Environment Day proclaimed by the African Union and celebrated on 3 March each year.
Senegal’s President Abdoulaye Wade is in charge of coordinating and implementing the NEPAD environment programme. Source : NEPAD News, March 9, 2007