Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The meeting provided a platform to discuss and provide input on country selection for in-country launches. The following countries were selected in Africa : Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya.
The project will be launched in a phased approach in these countries and a decision will be taken at the next meeting regarding the order and the selection of the first country to launch.
The NEPAD Secretariat understands the long-term nature of the Lancet Nutrition Project and the tremendous cost that goes into delivering on such A demanding mandate.
With this in mind, NEPAD and the international and local agencies involved will work together to ensure that all costs that will emerge during the implementation of the nutrition project are maintained within a realistic budget.
The fact that NEPAD has been involved in many similar projects around the continent gives it a significant advantage in accessing the relevant people and understanding immediate challenges in the implementation of this project.
Key attributes of the project :
Raise awareness among policymakers.
Act as a mechanism for raising awareness around maternal and child undernutrition.
Provide an opportunity to educate the target audiences about the need to incorporate nutrition into public health programmes.
Provide an opportunity to further the nutrition agenda in a collective manner in order for the people to understand and to achieve progress.
The meeting mandated the communications experts to draw up a Launch Outreach Strategy plan. Source : NEPAD News, March 9, 2007