Politique, en Côte d’Ivoire : Fernand Ahibo, 19 ans de protocole et quelques années, proche collaborateur du président Houphouët-Boigny, témoigne de la glorieuse épopée de la Côte d’Ivoire et répond à l’ancien directeur du Protocole d’État. La Côte d’Ivoire n’est plus la même mais nous l’aimons quand même.
Ses années Nanan Houphouët
Son vibrant appel à ses sœurs et frères Ivoiriens
Georges Ouégnin à la Une des médias :
Yes We Can
"I Got a Crush...On Obama" By Obama Girl
Barack Obama on Ellen
The Audacity of Hope
Spanish Reggaeton
Yes Yes, We Can !
Obama Girl vs Giuliani Girl
One Voice
Hillary Clinton
Le Président Olusegun Obasanjo confirme son départ de la Présidence en 2007
Le Président Gabonais Bongo Ondimba éteint ses 71 bougies (30 décembre 1935 - 30 décembre 2007. Joyeux anniversaire, Monsieur le Président.
Born in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, on July 16, 1936
Member of the House of Representatives
Constituency : Gunma 4th District (Elected 6 times
The Fukuda Cabinet was inaugurated on September 26, 2007
On September 25, Mr. Yasuo Fukuda, a member of the House of Representatives, was appointed as Prime Minister at a Diet session. Prime Minister Fukuda became the 91st Prime Minister (the 58th person to assume the post) since Hirobumi Ito, the first Prime Minister of Japan.
After the appointment, Prime Minister Fukuda formed a new Cabinet at the Prime Minister’s Official Residence. Afterwards, Mr. Nobutaka Machimura, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, announced the list of Cabinet members.
Prime Minister Fukuda then held a press conference. On the challenge of clearing away distrust in politics, including that due to the pension record problem, the Prime Minister said, "For our part, we feel great responsibility for this situation and are determined to devote our fullest efforts to resolving it," and expressed his resolution, saying, "We believe that what is crucial is how we explain these issues to the people of Japan. I intend to fully carry out my responsibility to provide a sufficient explanation."
On the following morning of September 26, Prime Minister Fukuda attended the investiture of the Prime Minister and the attestation ceremony of the appointment of the Ministers of State at the Imperial Palace, which marked the official inauguration of the Fukuda Cabinet.
Afterwards Prime Minister Fukuda returned to the Prime Minister’s Official Residence to attend the first Cabinet meeting and a photo session with his Cabinet members. Source : OPM, Tokyo, september 26, 2007