Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
A meeting of stakeholders in the African Water Facility (AWF) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 18-21 September 2007 to review its operational program for the period 2008-2010 and its long-term plan.
The African Water Facility was established by the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) as a fund to assist African countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in accordance with the African Water Vision. It is hosted by the African Development Bank and has its own governing council on which the NEPAD Secretariat is represented.
The workshop noted that AWF has done well but there is a need to highlight progress as projects are implemented, and it underlined the role of the AWF as a catalyst in mobilising resources and coordinating with others engaged in similar activities.
The main operational areas were recognised as : strengthening water governance ; investments to meet basic needs ; and improving water knowledge. The meeting also noted the key role to be played in addressing climate change and the links with water.
AWF officials and the NEPAD Secretariat representatives met with partners at the meeting to discuss the resources required for the realisation of the operational program for the next three years.
The partners indicated that they would like to see African countries, especially the larger economies, contributing to the AWF as this would help leverage resources from other contributors. Source : NEPAD
The South African Department of Agriculture and the WorldFish Centre have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding in aquaculture which will assist the department to develop and implement programs in support of the NEPAD action plan for a sustainable freshwater aquaculture sector in African countries.
The agreement further aims at assisting the Department of Agriculture to transfer South Africa’s technology and research outputs to other African countries.
The MOU was concluded within the framework of the NEPAD Implementation Plan for South Africa (NISSA). Source : NEPAD