Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
NEPAD Nigeria has been established with a mandate to identify and work with partners in the public and private sectors including civil society and international organisations, to develop, implement and promote NEPAD programmes at the country level.
Dr. Tunji Olagunju, a former Ambassador to South Africa, has been appointed chief executive of NEPAD Nigeria and special advisor on NEPAD to Nigeria’s President Umaru Yar’Adua. It is structured into four departments and three units : Administration and Finance Department ; Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Department ;
Programme Development and Implementation Department ; African Peer Review mechanism Department ; Legal Unit, Internal Audit Unit and Media and Outreach Unit.
NEPAD focal points have been established in the federal ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) which are expected to :
Serve as a link between the MDAs and NEPAD Nigeria ;
Assist in domesticating NEPAD programmes in the MDAs ;
Facilitate collaboration and partnerships between the MDAs and NEPAD Nigeria ;
Assist in the planning and development of monitoring and evaluation process for NEPAD programmers within the MDAs.
NEPAD state coordinators have been appointed to assist in setting up NEPAD frameworks in the 36 states and so far six states have successfully launched their frameworks. The remaining states are currently making plans to officially launch their NEPAD offices.
In both chambers of the National Assembly — the Senate and the House of Representatives — a Committee on NEPAD has been established to act as liaison between NEPAD and the legislature.
Some of the on–going programmes and projects being facilitated by NEPAD Nigeria include : NEPAD e-Schools programme ; Rural access and mobility project ; Federal road development project ; NEPAD coastal tourism project ; NEPAD cities programme ; National medium-term investment programme ; NEPAD Pan-Africa cassava initiative ; NEPAD Fish For All initiative ; NEPAD fertilizer initiative ; Home-grown school-feeding and health programme ; NEPAD interactive learning network ; Peer Review
Since Nigeria acceded to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) in March 2003, it has shown its commitment to the process by establishing the management organisation and processes for stakeholder and partner participation in the implementation of the APRM, which was assessed as excellent by the APRM Country Support Mission, which visited the country from March 21–24, 2005.
Accordingly, the country proceeded to Stage One of the prescribed five–stage country review process, the outcome of which is the country self–assessment report and a national programme of action.
In addition, five lead research organisations were commissioned during the third and fourth quarters of 2006 to assess the perceptions of Nigerians on the quality of governance in the country. They produced reports on each of the APRM four thematic areas. Source : NEPAD, november 30, 2007
The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation for Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) convened the 6th meeting of its Advisory Committee on Science and Technology from 12-16 November 2007 at its headquarters in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
The overall objective was to strengthen collaboration for directing the science, technology and innovation policy agenda to enhance agricultural performance in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific group of states.
The committee reviewed and made recommendations for finalising the draft ACP policy briefs on biofuels, fisheries and livestock, approved them in principle and developed strategies for their wider dissemination in the ACP region.
It was noted that fisheries is a priority issue and the committee commended the work of the ACP experts and their European Union counterparts in bringing the issues to the fore.
The committee agreed to promote the ACP policy briefs nationally, regionally and internationally using print and electronic media and the various communication platforms available.
The team of ACP fisheries experts who prepared the policy brief was led by Dr. Sloans Chimatiro, NEPAD fisheries advisor.
The NEPAD Secretariat is asking the public to provide comments on the policy brief, which can be found on Source : NEPAD, november 30, 2007