Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
Following its success during 2007, the NEPAD TV slot has resumed on the SABC Africa channel (DSTV channel 286). NEPAD is featured every Wednesday evening on the African Views programme, a live phone-in panel discussion on various topics.
The next programme schedule on DSTV channel 286 is :
African Views
13 February, 8pm-9pm (South African time)
The panel will include Victor Mathale, advisor, International Trade and Economic Development Division, South African Department of Trade and Industry, George Monyemangene, Chief Director Africa, S.A Department of Trade and Industry, Maya Makanjee, Director Corporate Affairs, SAB Miller Africa-Asia Region, Guy Harris, Commercial Director, Bell Equipment Company, and Robert Besigye, Uganda High Commission, Pretoria.
The topic of discussion will be the impact of promotion on inter-regional trade in Africa.
The programme on 6 February 2008 featured Prof. Richard Mkandawire, NEPAD agriculture advisor, who was accompanied on the panel by Amadou Allahoury Diallo, an expert on the use of water in agriculture. The topic was NEPAD’s role in assisting agricultural communities to handle the problems and challenges of water supply. Source : NEPAD, february 8, 2007
With its Country Self-Assessment completed, Uganda is now ready for this month’s Country Review Mission of the Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).
The Country Self-Assessment covered the four thematic areas :
Democracy and good political governance ; (political systems, electoral processes and participation of various stakeholders) ;
Economic governance and management ; (macroeconomic management, public financial accountability, corruption, regulatory oversight bodies) ;
Corporate governance ; (banking and financial standards) ;
Socio-economic development ; (poverty eradication, gender equality, access to education/water/energy).
The APRM National Commission met extensively and consulted with strategic Government institutions, officials and the various stakeholders to popularise the APRM.
One of the features of the Country Self-Assessment was an innovative approach to involving the people.
Thirty-two public hearings were conducted by the APRM National Commission in 12 districts across the country and five more in Kampala. Other stakeholders — the judiciary, the farmers, the army and Members of Parliament — also had public hearings.
The objectives of the public hearings were :
To enable free and meaningful participation of as many Ugandans as possible in the APRM process.
To assess public opinion as well as existing mechanisms (legal, policy and administrative) on Uganda’s performance in maintaining and sustaining good political, economic, social and corporate governance.
To collect more data and opinions to fill the research gaps.
A number of issues emerged from the public hearings with Ugandans speaking out on all aspects of governance.
Considerable progress has been made in the implementation of the APRM process in Uganda, in addition to the coordination of other NEPAD initiatives such as the e-Schools project and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Source : NEPAD, february 8, 2007