Président de la Commission de l’Union Africaine (depuis le 1er. février 2008)
Président du Ghana,
Président de l’Union Africaine (depuis janvier 2007)
The NEPAD Secretariat has a vacancy for a consultant for its Gender Office based in Johannesburg, South Africa. The contract will initially be for six months, after which it can be renewed.
The duties of the consultant will be : Planning and coordinating all activities of the Gender Office of the NEPAD Secretariat ; Liaison with the Gender Directorate at the African Union Commission as well as gender offices at the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) ; Ensuring gender mainstreaming in all activities of NEPAD sectors ; Drafting relevant documents and reports for the gender office of the NEPAD Secretariat ; Liaising with national, regional and other stakeholders on gender related issues ; Coordinating activities of the of the NEPAD Gender Task Force ; Coordinating the NEPAD-Spanish Women’s Empowerment Fund ; Facilitating internal consultations and coordination within the NEPAD Secretariat. Further details may be obtained from the office of the General Manager Communications and Outreach, Thaninga Shope-Linney, at
Tel : +27 (0)11 313 3776 Fax : +27 (0)11 313 3778
Closing date for applications is 22 February 2008.
Capacity building consultant The NEPAD Secretariat has a vacancy for a consultant for its Capacity Development Initiative based in South Africa. The contract will initially be for six months, after which it can be renewed.
African Views — DSTV Channel 286 Due to technical problems the programme slot on SABC Africa’s African Views programme for 13 February 2008 with Victor Mathale, advisor, International Trade and Economic Development Division, South African Department of Trade and Industry, was postponed until 5 March 2008.
The programme schedule for 20 February, 8pm-9pm (South African time), will feature Lynette Chen, CEO, NEPAD Business Foundation. The topic of discussion will be the African Leadership Programme — developing a new generation of young leaders for Africa.
The panel for this phone-in discussion will include : Leallah Gibbons, Credit Assessment Manager at MTN ; Lali Ngozi, Senior Communications Manager, Anglo American ; and Michael Manamela, Executive Manager, Statistics South Africa. S
3-23 February 2008, APRM Country Review Mission for Uganda.
February 2008, Country Review Mission for Nigeria (date to be finalised).
The NEPAD Secretariat would like to communicate to all applicants to the NEPAD-Spanish Empowerment Fund that it is in the process of recruiting members of the Technical Management Team (TMT) for the Fund.
Communication with applicants will be resumed as soon as these appointments have been made, which is expected to be before the end of February.
The NEPAD Secretariat would like to apologise for the delays. Please excuse any inconvenience this may have caused.
Rwanda is reviewing its progress towards implementing NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) compact signed in March 2007.
Through the national review it is hoped to increase the agriculture growth rate by six percent and to allocate 10 percent of the national budget to the sector, according to Rwanda’s Agriculture Minister, Anastase Murekezi.
Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and development partners analysed how far the country has progressed with the four pillars of the CAADP during a meeting in Kigali on 7 February 2008.
The four pillars are ; land and water management ; rural infrastructure and trade-related capacities for improved market access ; increasing food supply and reducing hunger ; and agricultural research, technology dissemination and adoption.
Minister Murekezi said : "Our aim is to strengthen our efforts to facilitate the CAADP’s mechanism that aims to promote public-private partnership for the needed investments in the agriculture sector."
He said the CAADP will support such national projects as the one-cow-per-household, fisheries and biodiversity promotion in Lake Kivu, and crop intensification through water irrigation.
The Minister’s comments were reinforced by the World Bank Country Representative, Victoria Kwakwa, who welcomed the CAADP implementation review initiative at country level.
"We donors have to play a supportive role in coordinating the continental efforts needed for Rwanda to achieve its goals," Kwakwa said. "This will transform the country from subsistence to modern agriculture."
The Kigali meeting also saw the official launch of Research Into Use (RIU), a UK-based programme that focuses on research for sustainable agricultural development. The RUI-Rwanda chapter is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). Source : NEPAD, february 15, 2008